Tarot and dreamwork offerings are available as stand-alone, non-recurrent psychotherapy services and are not a substitute for psychotherapy treatment.

Illuminative tarot

for working with trauma

Tarot can typically be associated with divination and predictive readings — but it is so much more than that.

Tarot is a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that activates the brain’s right hemisphere processes of the intuitive and somatic, rather than the logical or rational processes of the left hemisphere. This is particularly helpful for those who have experienced trauma, which affects our neurological ability to feel and make sense of experience.

When used in creative applications, tarot can illuminate understanding of self through its universal imagery, archetypes, and metaphors.

In this course, we will move beyond tarot spreads and use tarot in creative ways to visualize trauma narratives, organizing principles, feelings, and experiences as a supportive partner in the healing process.

A Mental Health and Horror Tarot Reading + Film Reco

This is for you if:

  • You’re a spooky bitch

  • You’re looking for insight into your mental health and something that you are trying to navigate through

  • You’re open to exploring your emotions and relationship to self-care

  • You’re curious about how your past is showing up in your present

  • You like horror movies and would like to watch one that can help you reflect on your mental health

What you get:

  • A 5-card spread and a personalized horror movie recommendation delivered via video (20-25 minutes minutes in length)

  • A PDF of your spread and personalized horror movie recommendation

The Horror Concierge

Want to unveil a dream?

Dreamwork sessions are one-off sessions available for anyone who wants to journey into one of their dreams to understand its meaning more deeply.

Our dreams are journeys into the depths of our psyches – realms rich with information about our lives, feelings, and experiences.

Even though some dreams may be frightening or upsetting, all dreams are here to help us along in our healing process. Dreams are like picture metaphors for our most salient emotions, highlighting what matters most to us.

During a dreamwork session, we will take an experiential journey together through your dream to make sense of the messages the dream is offering.

Available in Canada only.