The Horror Concierge: A Mental Health and Horror Tarot Reading + Film Reco


At night, monsters lurk in the dark.

In the comfort of our rooms, we imagine ghouls in dark corners, in our closets, and under our beds. 

But if we are brave, and take a chance, we can shine a light on the things that feel scary and suddenly we see – that’s no monster, that’s just the laundry pile! Things aren’t as scary as they seem.

Our mental health is like that too. Things can feel pretty scary and overwhelming when they are kept lurking in the dark recesses of our minds, but by inviting our anxieties and fears out into the light and exploring what feels scary with curiosity and an open mind – you might just find that you’ve had the strength of a final girl inside of you all along.

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At night, monsters lurk in the dark.

In the comfort of our rooms, we imagine ghouls in dark corners, in our closets, and under our beds. 

But if we are brave, and take a chance, we can shine a light on the things that feel scary and suddenly we see – that’s no monster, that’s just the laundry pile! Things aren’t as scary as they seem.

Our mental health is like that too. Things can feel pretty scary and overwhelming when they are kept lurking in the dark recesses of our minds, but by inviting our anxieties and fears out into the light and exploring what feels scary with curiosity and an open mind – you might just find that you’ve had the strength of a final girl inside of you all along.

At night, monsters lurk in the dark.

In the comfort of our rooms, we imagine ghouls in dark corners, in our closets, and under our beds. 

But if we are brave, and take a chance, we can shine a light on the things that feel scary and suddenly we see – that’s no monster, that’s just the laundry pile! Things aren’t as scary as they seem.

Our mental health is like that too. Things can feel pretty scary and overwhelming when they are kept lurking in the dark recesses of our minds, but by inviting our anxieties and fears out into the light and exploring what feels scary with curiosity and an open mind – you might just find that you’ve had the strength of a final girl inside of you all along.

This reading is for you if:

  • You’re a spooky bitch

  • You’re looking for insight into your mental health and something that you are trying to navigate through

  • You’re open to exploring your emotions and relationship to self-care

  • You’re curious about how your past is showing up in your present

  • You like horror movies and would like to watch one that can help you reflect on your mental health

What you get:

  • A 5-card spread and a personalized horror movie recommendation delivered via video (20-25 minutes in length)

  • A PDF of your spread and personalized horror movie recommendation

The spread:

  • Ghost: A reflection of what is currently haunting me

  • Witch: Something I can do to take care of myself

  • Haunted House: An organizing principle (old belief) that is holding me back

  • Vampire: Something that is draining me

  • Bat: An emotion that is worth considering

How this works:

  • Following your purchase, you will be sent an email with a link to fill out an intake form that will ask you a few questions about yourself, what you’d like to explore in this reading, and your horror movie tastes and preferences

  • You will receive your package (link to video recording + PDF) within five business days of submitting your intake form

Please note:

While I am a Psychotherapist, this service is not psychotherapy. Readings are for entertainment purposes only. All sales are final.